A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeline L'Engle. Farrar, 1963
Activities ©2002 Nancy Polette

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My name is Meg Murry and I hate school. I ended up in the lowest group this morning just because I didn't get all my work done. On the way home one of the kids called Charles Wallace "dumb." If they only knew how smart he is they would shut up. Maybe if my dad were home I could talk to him about school but he's been missing since he started work on his concept of a tesseract.

My life changed pretty quickly though when on a dark and stormy night I met the first of three strange old ladies who were able to disappear and materialize again by means of tessering. Tessering is a wrinkling of time and space into the shortest amounts of both. These ladies took me and Charles Wallace and my best friend, Calvin to their planet, Uriel.

With the help of these three strange ladies I am going in search of father. They say they know where he is but they cannot go there, only we can. He is behind the dark thing, the shadow of evil and only I, they tell me, have the power to save him. I can't even stay in the top reading group. What power do I have?
Check out the books below or find other books on space travel to answer these questions.
1. How long would it take to get to Saturn by space shuttle?
2. Why does the sky look black from space?
3. What would happen if an astronaut took off her glove for a few seconds in space?
4. Do spiders spin the same kinds of webs in space as on the Earth?
5. Why can't the space shuttle visit the moon?
6. In pictures of the Shuttle, why do you not see any stars?
7. What have been the practical benefits of the space program?
8. Will humans be able to land on Jupiter in the next century?
To Space and Back
by Sally K. Ride. Lothrop, 1986
The Astronaut Training Book for Kids by Kim Long. Lodestar 1990
Great Lives: Human Rights by William Jay Jacobs. Scribners 1990

Directions: Each contestant selects one number between one and ten. The reader reads the clue for each number. After the clue, the contestant can make one guess as to who the mystery person is. If the contestant does not guess correctly after one clue another contestant selects a clue number and tries to guess. The game continues until contestants have had a try at selecting clues and guessing or until the mystery person is discovered.

1. I am a well known astronomer.
2. Most of my work was done from the mid to the late 1800s.
3. I had little formal education.
4. I am best known for my studies of sunspots.
5. I discovered a new comet in 1847.
6. I received a gold medal from the King of Denmark.
7. I was the first woman admitted to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
8. I was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts.
9. I was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1905.
10. I spent much of my childhood in my father's poorly equipped laboratory.

Answer: Maria Mitchell; 1818-1889 American Astronomer